LANGHE DOC NASCETTA Vintages available: 2019 Grape variety: Nascetta Production area: Novello and Alba Soil: sandy and clayey marls Vineyard cultivation: espalier with Guyot pruning Harvest: 100% manual Harvest period: second / third decade of September Maximum yield: 100 q / ha of grapes Vinification: pressing of the crushed and de-stemmed grapes. Fermentation in steel at low temperature (16-18 ° C) Aging: in steel for at least 5 months on the lees with weekly bâtonnages

HK$125 HK$165-24.24%
  • SKU: LN087
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Color: straw yellow

On the nose: of good intensity, aromatic, floral and citrusy

On the palate: savory and persistent

Alcoholic degree: 13% vol.

Tasting temperature: 8/10 degrees

Storage: potential for a few years of aging in the bottle

Food / wine pairing: appetizers and first courses, fish specialties, including raw fish, fresh cheeses